# 教程&模块化/规范化/工程化/优化&工具/调试&值得关注的博客/Git&面试资源汇总
I want to use [interface Epic](https://github.com/redux-observable/redux-observable/blob/master/index.d.ts#L31) with stricted typed Action (like [typescript-fsa](https://github.com/aikoven/typescript-…
This is one of the blocks of work to allow running OSv on KVM-based EC2 instances.
Here are some helpful resources:
- https://www.seagate.com/files/www-content/product-content/ssd-fam/nvme-ssd/nyt…
昨天與這邊的一位網友 @willard1218 聊了一下, 他前幾天在slack general分享一篇他翻譯的文章 [Mastering Programming](https://github.com/willard1218/Articles/blob/master/Mastering-Programming.md) , 他是受到一位網友的另一篇文章去做了這件事 [[討論] 大家如何習慣看英文資…
在nginx 的配置文件中,增加Server记录,端口为80,servername 指向子域名,如demo.aek56.com.
这样,就支持同一个EP(IP:80), 可以跑多个域名不同的系统,利用了nginx 的域名劫持功能
**Describe the bug**
The zhmc prometheus exporter failed in HTTP Verb Tampering tests because it accepts any HTTP verbs. It's expected that only the GET method is accepted. Refer to https://kennel…
Vamos utilizar essa issue para organizar o conteúdo e estrutura do curso de PHP.
As suggested by @Bobfrat ... here's a draft short list of what could/should be done next:
- "HEC Spill Scenario Tool" as title.
- Use ncWMS2 service for display.
- Which [palette](https://rea…