Hi there,
Is it possible to install helm-push for helm 3.0 without internet access?
I installed it online and checked the plugin folder in /root/.cache/helm/plugins/https-github.com-chartmuseum-…
**Is this a request for help?**:
**Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST?** (choose one):
**Version of Helm and Kubernetes**:
**Which chart**:
**What happened**:
### Issue Summary:
The helm chart `stable/spinnaker` has problems with `additionalSecrets`. This reproduces with Helm2/Tiller or Helm3.
### Cloud Provider(s):
* AWS Cloud
### Versions
### Description:
I deployed kubeapps helmchart (helm version2) i "ingressed" the service via traefik (ingress.class=traefik). i can visit the kubeapps dashboard tls terminated by traefik - all is fin…
[Helm 3.0.0 has been released](https://helm.sh/blog/helm-3-released/), with a [6 mo bug / 1 yr security deprecation timeline for helm v2](https://helm.sh/blog/2019-10-22-helm-2150-released/#helm-2-sup…
Helm 3.0 is in alpha and is heading towards being released. It would be great to start working on support for 3.0 so we could use it as soon as it comes out.
My main concern is it seems that this t…
The snippet:
overrides := map[string]string{}
overrides["args"] = `{--kubelet-insecure-tls,--kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP,ExternalIP,Hostname}`
Renders to:
**Describe the bug**
After successful chart installation/upgrade dry-run upgrade check fails
**To Reproduce**
Create namespace
kubectl create namespace mon
Create custom values file
Please answer these questions before submitting your issue.
- Why do you submit this issue?
- [x] Question or discussion
- [ ] Bug
- [ ] Requirement
- [ ] Feature or performance improvement
I currently installed helm3 along with the helm push plugin by running helm plugin install https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push
when i tried to do a helm push i get the following error: