### 检查清单
- [X] 合法的、无木马植入的站点。
- [X] 有实质性原创内容的 HTTPS 站点,发布过至少 5 篇原创文章,内容题材不限。
- [X] 有独立域名,非免费域名。
### 站点信息
"title": "纸鹿摸鱼处",
"url": "https://blog.zhilu.cyou",
#### 请确认
- [x] 是当前最新的 [Release 版本](https://github.com/fluid-dev/hexo-theme-fluid/releases)
- [x] 在 [用户指南](https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/) 中没有找到解决办法
#### 问题描述
I know I can display the previous and next post on a post page using something like this:
Is it possible to use a category filter with this? I…
I want to be able to generate a site that I can open from a windows folder or any URL just by uploading the folder. Currently it seems that the config requires a URL to build the site but that will …
## Check List
Please check followings before submitting a new issue.
- [x] I have already read [Docs page](https://hexo.io/docs/) & [Troubleshooting page](https://hexo.io/docs/troubleshootin…
## I want to create a new issue
- [x] Yes, I have read [Hexo Docs page](https://hexo.io/docs/), especially [Templates](https://hexo.io/docs/templates.html), [Variables](https://hexo.io/do…
已确认 hexo / node ,本地和 github action 构建时,都是相同的版本。提示 hexo douban 不是命令,也是我查看 github action 日志发现的。
"hexo": "^6…
I use categories at my hexo site and need to show category label and link in breadcrumbs.
Any Idea?
Please follow this Issue template to provide relevant information, such as source code repository, website URL and screenshots, which will help us investigate.
请按照此 Issue 模版提供相关信息,例如源码仓库、网站链接和屏幕截图,这将…
pjax: false
katex: true
prism: true # true | false
d3_js: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/d3@6
markmap_view_js: https://fastly.jsdelivr.…