everything is going perfectly except yo ionic command.
On running this command, am getting error.
Stack trace
info trying registry request attempt 3 at 4:09:50 PM
http GET http://registry.cordov…
i'm trying to port an existing iOS/Android Ionic Application to Windows. The application uses cordova-sqlite-storage.
Unfortunetly it does not work out of the box. (_quelle surprise_)
# Bug Report
## Problem
### What is expected to happen?
Plugin opens system browser when invoked, whether or not cordova-plugin-whitelist is installed.
### What does actually happen?
- [ ] Explicar possíveis problemas com ionic, especialmente com os plugins do cordova que podem exigir que a plataforma android seja removida `ionic platform remove android` e inserida novamente com `…
你好,我是从ionic的官方网站下载这个插件(ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-app-update)编译、打包apk没有问题,就是启动的时候提示:
Unable to get provider com.vaenow.appupdate.android.GenericFileP…
When a write the command to install the plugin it freeze.
This is the comand.
ionic cordova plugin add https://github.com/Wikitude/wikitude-cordova-plugin.git
It frezee in here
>cordova plugi…
I used the Ionic CLI to install the plugin with three different hosts and ANDROID_PATH_PREFIX with the intended use for the app to open only when the web address called matches the path prefix. I want…
I have created a cordova app with displaying of an image stored to the phone . Below is the code
I use cordova version 10.0.0 cordova-android version 9.1.0
Plugins used
### Version info
**Angular:** ^18.0.0
**Firebase:** ^10.13.0
**AngularFire:** ^18.0.1
**Other (e.g. Ionic/Cordova, Node, browser, operating system):**
"@ionic/angular": "^8.0.0",
_Original issue by @lincolnthree on [2017-11-22T16:26:48Z](https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic/issues/13485)_
**Ionic version:** (check one with "x")
(For Ionic 1.x issues, please use https://githu…