Styles from node modules are not being loaded, even if I require them in the file the component is being used, the only external node modules that seem to work are those that use bootstrap.
I'm not s…
(Paired with: @topocount, @hammadj, @wchargin.)
## Motivation
Users are hitting GitHub file size limits when their `credResult.json` file is larger than 100 MB, the hard cap for GitHub's API.
## CVE-2020-15168 - Medium Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - node-fetch-1.7.3.tgz
A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.js and io.js
Library home page: https://registry.np…
I'm trying to get babel-plugin-css-modules wired up but I'm a bit lost now 🗡
The page loads and the proper transformation is happening:
**Which Category is your question related to?**
GraphQL AppSync, and S3 Uploads with Complex Objects.
**What AWS Services are you utilizing?**
AWS Amplify with:
- Auth
- Storage
Update webpack to 5
getting this error
ERROR in ./src/routes/writeReview/WriteReview.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[1].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/di…
The current draft can be found at https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1900
In-work implementation: https://github.com/pipeos-one/dType, along with a list of all related EIPs, articles and demo video…
i am using old version of react-starter kit intl with old tools(build,run etc) before update of webpack, my webpack is (1.13.3)
i am new with this, is there any way to build all node_module…
i am working on feature/bootstrap3 branch. i want to customise bootstrap class like changing the default shape of button or changing the header color of panel header or changing the primary col…
The zero-config usage of Parcel creates an SPA.
For many applications an SPA doesn't work out. (Because of search engines, social sharing, and performance.)
# The Problem
The main problem of …