Hello. It seems that using "includeAndroidResources" flag makes koin starts twice in tests, even if it's not used there. Here is the link to repo with test behavior
According to the tornadofx documentation: [https://edvin.gitbooks.io/tornadofx-guide/content/part2/Dependency%20Injection.html], you can override their basic DI with a 3rd party framework by setting: …
The Dependency Injection library [Koin](https://github.com/InsertKoinIO/koin) is being accepted in many projects that use Kotlin.
KotlinTest has support for Spring Boot already, and we should have …
I have an interface ```CoroutineDispatcherProvider``` and a class ```DefaultCoroutineDispatcherProvider``` that implements the interface. When I declare this class in a module, Android studio shows "…
**Describe the bug**
Please help me
Below example, I have followed the instructions, because of something that it does not work.
**To Reproduce**
Hi, I\`ve explored a Scope API in version 2.0.0-beta4 and I think that you\`ve made a good job to provide a scope using LifecyclerOwner. What do you think about doing it for all scopes? I mean creatin…
Disable app's location permisson and reopen the PlacePickerActivity from recent app menu , then it carsh. 100% Probability.
2019-07-22 10:25:09.642 24929-24929/cn.oneplus.opmms D/AndroidRuntime: …
I need to bind type which is only known in runtime.
In module defination
val mod = module {
val kls:KClass = ... //to get in runtime
val inst:Any = ...//to get in runtime of type kls…
After updating the gradle file (app and project level) based on this instruction https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/android-sdk-setup, I sync project with Gradle files , but go…
Kotlin 1.3.40 will introduce a typeOf() function which allows to get the real type of T including generic parameters.
It would be cool if koin makes use of it in some way.