I created a map with some markers on it:
modifier = Modifier.matchParentSize(),
cameraPositionState = cameraPositionState,
uiSettings = mapUiSettings,
onMapClick = {
**Describe the bug**
Just installed this package with all setup mentioned in documentation for android.
App crashes when creating the template for example `new ListTemplate({...})`
Because it alrea…
I run the Kotlin Multiplatform application on Windows by Appium inspector but can not select any elements on the screen. Only see the full-screen class name SunAwtCanvas.
On the android platform, th…
Codelab https://developer.android.com/codelabs/mdc-103-kotlin#1
Error loading image link resource https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/jC2O5gX0r204paEBKc-ic417DUotWIlzXHNvQAHwK8aj79rKEAcG15randQz0M3Jn2M…
### Steps to reproduce
1- Create a new flutter app with `flutter create`
2- Modify the `android/app/build.gradle` to Include the following flavors:
flavorDimensions "track", "cou…
Running `android/gradlew -p android :app:lintVitalRelease` on main gives this group of output, among other groups:
> Task :app:lintVitalRelease
w: Runtime JAR files in the classpath should ha…
### Page URL
### Page source
### Describe the proble…
When the app is in the background, and a beacon comes into range, app does not receive notification that beacon is present. The beacon can be around for quite a bit of time with no detection.
If I…
val viewModel = ~~ViewModelProviders.of~~(this).get(EggTimerViewModel::class.java)
ViewModelProviders is DEPRECATED
Updating the Fragment to use current methods for initi…
Version: 0.10.1
Device: Google Pixel 5a
System: Android 14 (API 34)
Stack trace:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: feedId is null
at me.ash.reader.domain.service.GoogleReaderRssService.su…