## Expected behavior
When creating a resource with valid fields in Forest Admin
Then the resource should be created and displayed
## Actual behavior
When creating a resource with valid field…
I try to update a member's state and no changes are made.
## Expected behavior
The relationship changes to the selected value.
## Actual behavior
No changes are made.
## Context
## Expected behavior
Item is created without error
## Actual behavior
Error is given and item is not created
## Failure Logs
**Terminal Logs**
Giving Foreign Key error because I do not…
## Expected behavior
I would expect that mongoose hooks are executed, eg `pre('save', ...`
## Actual behavior
When saving a document through the forest admin interface, the document is update…
In Actions, I'm trying to prefill a form with dynamic default values. So I used the example [here](https://doc.forestadmin.com/developer-guide/express-mongoose.html#prefill-a-form-with-default-values)…
**Imported from Bugzilla**
Reporter: *Kshitij*
Status: *NEW*
Severity: *minor*
Assigned to: *Clark Barrett*
Component: *Proofs*
Milestone: *1.6*
Version: *master*
Platform: *PC*
OS: *Linux*
On 2015-1…
Follow the CORS configuration in the `express` liana:
Hi guys, could you create a generic Node.js / Mongoose config for Forest ?
We use KOA, so your installation sets are not compatible.
Thanks !
Clement from Paris
Hi everyone,
i use forest-express-sequelize 2.16.9
I have a problem when i try to add an action to a collection with default value on a field.
When i create my action like this :
Hello again. Managed to fire up your creation, already feeling the potential. Whoa.
The thing is, I use Colemak keyboard layout, so I want to redefine ALL the keys right away.
So I had to dive into …