I got the [SimpleFunction example](https://github.com/keesschollaart81/CaseOnline.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Mqtt/wiki/Subscribe-via-trigger) working to subscribe to an topic, let's say "my/topic/test".…
OS: Ubuntu 16.04
dotnet version: 2.1.300
When I try to connect to a Server with a client certificate I receive the following error:
`Unhandled Exception: MQTTnet.Exceptions.MqttCommunicationExc…
Hello there,
What am i doing wrong, it says it cannot connect with my mqtt server.
This is log file,
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /app
Now listening on: http://[::]:80
### Describe your question
We are currently using version - [https://www.nuget.org/packages/MQTTnet/2.7.5](url)
And, we are planning to upgrade to [https://www.nuget.org/packages/MQTTnet/3.0.8](url)…
I would like to know if a message is published with retained flag set inside the IMqttApplicationMessageReceivedHandler.HandleApplicationMessageReceivedAsync(MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEvent…
### Describe the bug
I hosted mqttserver in asp.netcore, and half a month later found that MQTT used all 8 CPU cores. Remove mqttserver and you won't have this problem. Of course, I can't catch any l…
### Describe your question
I would like to use the MQTTNet Server for testing and general R&D while working with the MQTTClient (Managed). I dont appear to be able to get any binaries from the releas…
### Describe the bug
If UserProperties are filled in when publishing a message to MQTTnet.Server, and a client subscribes using MQTT V3, an MqttProtocolViolationException is thrown with "User propert…
### Describe the bug
For load tests we created an application that contains of a lot of Tasks (via Task.Run) which publish MQTT messages. Unfortunately ConnectAsync does not succeed to have a stable …
Januar 1, 2020, Jim wrote:
It is not clear to me if the authentication method described in this
section is permitted with MQTT v5 or not. It does not say, but it appears
to be a true statement. …