There is something wrong with NestedScrollView and SliverAppBar on Flutter for Web.
This is the UI with debug mode on the left and release mode on the right.
When the `pinned` for `SliverApp…
Only on Android 10, I find this bug.
## Description
In Android code:
I design a Native UI Component which is a NestedScrollView. I add only one child view which extend ReactViewGroup to the Neste…
**Description:** When using maxLines in alpha06 with expandedTitleGravity set to center. Text isn't centered.
**Expected behavior:** The expanded title should be centered (or the desired gravity sh…
When using translucent navigation bar and `CollapsingToolbarLayout`, SnackBar's marginBottom is not set correctly (using CoordinatorLayout as the parent view).
Removing the `Collap…
## Description :scroll:
* Give a step-by-step tutorial of Nested ScrollView in Android (Java).
* Required Documentation or Video or Audio.
## Domain of Contribution :bar_chart:
- [x…
NestedScrollView Widget needs to be added to the Widget Catalog. Make sure to include the description of the widget in the Description tab and add an argument to include link to the official docs of t…
A common use case for SliverFillRemaining is to fill up a body with a background color. For instance, if I have a SliverList that happens to be too short, I would want the background color to match Sl…