I did a `bundle update` on my project with the only change being `octopress-tag-helpers` being updated from `1.0.6` to `1.0.7`. When building my site I get the following stack trace:
Liquid Exc…
I have created a plugin for creating captioned images under octopress 3. It was mostly done as a learning experience, but on the off chance its useful to anyone else, is there a page I can add it…
Is there a config for octopress that will create .md files instead of .markdown?
Octopress is expecting a `source` key in the jekyl config, which is not present on initialization.
User receives error as follows:
$ bundle exec octopress new blog -t
New jekyll site installed …
When using octopress-codefence, octopress-codeblock, plain old Jekyll {% hightlight %} tags, etc. with the theme, the code gets the appropriate HTML tags and CSS classes, but no CSS gets included to s…
Hello guys,
I recently setup lsi for my octopress application but these following warnings always appear and i don't know why:
Hi guys,
I was looking around for static site generator written in C#/F# and found that there isn't a go to option like Jekyll or Middleman or Octopress. Pretzel is pretty good but it's not quite th…
I followed the installation instructions and included the gem in my `Gemfile` and added the line `- octopress-codefence` to the `gems:` part in `_config.yml`. But after running `bundle install` j…
Using the latest and greatest Octopress 3.0.5 I get:
hseeberger.github.io$ jekyll serve
Configuration file: /Users/heiko/projects/ghpages/hseeberger.github.io/_config.yml
WARN: Unresolved specs d…
I've just re-init'd my blog on Octopress following the directions here:
The first error I ran into was: