After a recent chrome update (probably April 23, 2019) Chrome version got bumped from 73 to 74. During this update, multi-select DnD drag preview image in Chrome seems to have broken when running on W…
- VSCode Version:
- OS Version:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open VSCode
2. Scroll a little bit
Does this issue occur …
Unexpected identifier
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import _extends from '@babel/r…
All available builds of SnapHide appear to Crash SnapChat Immediately upon start-up.
Currently running SnapChat v10.65.0.66 on an iPhone 6S with iOS 10.3.3 (JB with doubleH3lix Custom Build for A7 D…
### Steps to reproduce
I setup a new project with `vue init vuetifyjs/webpack-advanced` and adding the Parallax demo. I wanted to split each parts (header/footer/sections) as standalone component…
First of all, thank you for doing this awesome javascript.
I would like to use jarallax in horizontal scroll. Is there some option for it?
NOW: from TOP to BOTTOM scroll
I WANT: from LEFT…
Swiper Version: 4.4.1
Platform/Target and Browser Versions: Chrome Safari
JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/molvqingtai/waL1e0ty/4/
I want to achieve a rolling parallax effect
When I add the style …
# CollectionView
The current Forms ListView design and implementations are very complex and challenging to maintain, while often not providing the flexibility that users would like. Because of the …
SmartRefreshLayout 嵌套CoordinatorLayout NestedScrollView RecyclerView实现滑动置顶,加载更多遇到加载更多时tab被划出屏幕
I want to scrolling only from bottom of Segment Control.
If user scrolling above the segment control that should be disable for that.
Please check below attachment for graphical representation o…