How likely can we incorporate machine learning (ML) into mars-sim ?
In neural network, a brain is no different than a 2-D decision matrix with weights that signify the strength between interconnect…
@4meta5 can you elaborate on what you mean by insurance market?
It looks like only a few podcasts were actually hosted on wordpress. Most are on itunes u I think? So I wonder if we even need to do much beyond find ways to store the three localones and update the l…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Turn on talkback, two, enabled the hot word detection in google now. Now
when talkback is running and google now is active say "okay google".
2. If you …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Turn on talkback, two, enabled the hot word detection in google now. Now
when talkback is running and google now is active say "okay google".
2. If you …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Turn on talkback, two, enabled the hot word detection in google now. Now
when talkback is running and google now is active say "okay google".
2. If you …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Turn on talkback, two, enabled the hot word detection in google now. Now
when talkback is running and google now is active say "okay google".
2. If you …
### Checklist
- [ ] The issue exists after disabling all extensions
- [ ] The issue exists on a clean installation of webui
- [ ] The issue is caused by an extension, but I believe it is caused by a …
### What problem is being solved? If feasible, specific evidence or examples (e.g., screen shots, data) in support of the understanding of the problem.
Recognition is important and must be done …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Turn on talkback, two, enabled the hot word detection in google now. Now
when talkback is running and google now is active say "okay google".
2. If you …