I just installed docker 0.8 and the latest boot2docker from the OSX installation instructions.
When attempting to pull repositories from index.docker.io (during container build), it crashes with the …
root@venus-166:~/conglei# docker push images.docker.sae.sina.com.cn/standard_new_ubuntu
The push refers to a repository [images.docker.sae.sina.com.cn/standard_new_ubuntu] (len: 1)
Sending image l…
At http://phusion.github.io/baseimage-docker/ this paragraph
> setuser
> A custom tool for running a command as another user. Easier to use than su, has a smaller attack vector than sudo, and unlike …
When building the docker image from source as described in the README no single node of the cluster is starting.
``` console
$ docker -v
Docker version 0.9.0, build 2b3fdf2
``` console
On boot startup.sh is spawned multiple times and it keeps hanging in a loop, here is an output of `docker top`:
It looks like the environment variables set when linking a container are not available when using your image. Information on the docker site: