+_gitstatus_install_main:166> version=v1.3.1
+_gitstatus_install_main:166> sha256=18b5be49f6eb9ff1cf25e76d6f2333c7402e686e05ce5b88ca107c80504210d8
+_gitstatus_install_main:168> [ -…
Regarding: https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k#can-prompts-for-completed-commands-display-error-status-for-those-commands-instead-of-the-commands-preceding-them I would love to see the error indi…
Hi, when I open up a new shell, or tab in a shell I greeted with these two messages: (see below)
I have tried moving the powerlevel10k.zsh-theme to
' ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/'
I assume th…
I noticed in the README example gif, that when you write `glcloud` in the prompt, the command turns green: https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k#show-on-command
I'm assuming this is supported …
I got a few errors after add this package to my mac os:
dotfiles/zsh-syntax-highlighting/highlighters/brackets/brackets-highlighter.zsh:32: ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES: assignment to invalid subscript range
Hi. This morning I encountered this error:
`[ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Zsh log (/tmp/gitstatus.POWERLEVEL9K.1000.25209.1617265947.1.xtrace.log):
+(anon):7> setopt monitor …
I've been trying to change some colors in p10k.zsh file to help me differentiate between multiple hosts at first glance.
Unfortunately changing os icon to TrueColor `POWERLEVEL9K_OS_ICON_BACKGROUND='…
After updating oh-my-zsh I get the following error message:
[ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your Git prompt may disappear or become slow.
The content of /data/data/com.termux/fil…
Hello! I'm using p10k through zsh4humans and while I love the experience, except for this little error which shows up in every new session I start and I have no idea how to address it:
I upgraded from powerlevel9k to 10k, and it retained everything the same way as before, except it added both the conda Python version, as well as Py to the command line prompt. My current prompt is sh…