## 🚀 Feature
Add the ability pass a run name (in case of a new run) or a run hash (in case of an existing run) to the pytorch lightning logger.
### Motivation
Currently, using the AimLogger a…
Hi! Thank you for releasing Stable Diffusion, this is an amazing project!
I was trying to fine-tune stable diffusion on a custom dataset and noticed that `main.py` is unable to continue training fr…
`C:\Users\Urban\anaconda3\envs\ldm\lib\site-packages\pytorch_lightning\loggers\test_tube.py:104: LightningDeprecationWarning: The TestTubeLogger is deprecated since v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7. W…
I have installed a new environment using the `requirements.txt` but I receive the following error:
`Traceback (most recent call last):`
`File "/adios/main_pretrain.py", line 5, in
This works for me.
name: cdvae
- pytorch
- conda-forge
- defaults
- python=3.8
- cudatoolkit=10.2.89
- pip
- numpy=1.24.4
- pandas=2.0.3
HTTP 404 for url http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/tpu-env
when executing
from torch_xla._internal import tpu
I used the converted COCO 2017 with only labeled persons.
Вот мой config:
save_dir: workspace/nanodet-plus-m_416
name: ExpMovingAverager
decay: 0.9998
Thank you for your excellent work!
In environment.yml, it requires the version of numpy=1.21.2, and pytorch=1.10.0. However, when I running the setup.py, the error occur "ValueError: numpy.dty…
I am trying to train a model and It works fine with GPU = 1. But if I am using more than 1 GPU, or using num_worker more than 0, I am getting following error :
`-- Process 3 terminated with the fol…
[NanoDet][04-05 20:27:52]INFO:Setting up data...
creating index...
index created!
creating index...
index created!
[NanoDet][04-05 20:27:53]INFO:Creating model...
INFO:NanoDet:Creating model...