It would be nice if mosh supported a file system interface beyond that
required by R6RS; I think the following list of primitives should
cover the needs of most applications:
- create-directory
What steps will reproduce the problem?
According to http://code.google.com/p/ypsilon/wiki/Win32installUsersHome
did the following:
D:\prg\ypsilon>Ypsilon.exe --sitelib=.\sitelib
fatal: # not avail…
(import (rnrs))
(define-syntax my-letrec
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ([v e] ...) . b)
(let ()
(define t (list e ...))
(define v (let ([v (ca…
If a specifies in its recipe the files to be installed, some of them seems to be ignored.
For example the SLIME package from melpa specifies:
(slime :repo "slime/slime"
:fetcher github
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Run the following program:
(import (rnrs))
(define (f a)
(define b a)
(f 1)
or the following:
(import (rnrs))
(define (f a)
(letrec* ((b a))
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. download my library
2. try the following script
$ cat meta2.ss
(import (rnrs)
At the moment, install-data-hook is not coded to support calling make
install with the DESTDIR variable set:
install-data-hook :
MOSH_GENSYM_PREFIX=I @bindir@/mosh ./scripts/pre-compile-r…
(import (rnrs))
(define-syntax my-letrec
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ([v e] ...) . b)
(let ()
(define t (list e ...))
(define v (let ([v (ca…
The manpage explains that you can use YPSILON_SITELIB to set directories
for libraries. "Ypsilon traverses the sitelib directories to find a library
before looking up the system default directory.…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. (load "gtk-server-demo.ss") ;; requires gtk-server
2. (gtk-init)
3. (display "gtk_init NULL NULL" gtk-stdin)
4. (newline gtk-stdin)
5. (flush-output-port …