Can you please enable the voice chat stuff, I do not mean Jitsi, I mean webrtc.
**Original Discussion:** https://github.com/pikapkg/snowpack/issues/1082
**/cc** @aaronshaf
## Background
Some plugins have a need to inject code into your site. React Fast Refresh is a good e…
For context, I'm working on a first draft of a [document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lbl0NJaoV6WOYmP-Mw6UZaA9KYSyliu2ABgs2xNdOKU/edit?usp=sharing) on performance...
- https://github.com/IQ…
Hello. How can I test components with Suspense/Lazy?
now renderer.create(...)toTree() throws
"toTree() does not yet know how to handle nodes with tag=13"
react 16.6.1
react-test-renderer 16.6.1
### Description
We get an error "Invalid type: 'container' must be a String or HTMLElement." under certain circumstances which are flaky and unclear. The stack trace points to react-map-gl, but this …
All containers are working properly. Here are the logs:
Successfully tagged flask-nextjs-user-management-example_client:latest
Starting flask-nextjs-user-management-example_tutorial-db_1 ... do…
make ergonomics of events better
make the cleanup function get all the event listeners
return a cleanup fn from the on function
remove unnecessary stuff
lazy events?
global on fn, with didClickOu…
### What problem are you trying to solve?
Complex websites often use feature flags to gradually roll-out changes to users. These features can be easily toggled on-or-off per-request, or tweaked by …
## The devDependency [react-hot-loader](https://github.com/gaearon/react-hot-loader) was updated from `4.5.3` to `4.6.0`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/rwieruch/visual-regression-testin…
Hi, Did you ever actually get splitChunks working with AMD targetLibrary? I'm having the same problem. It works with a single chunk but not when you split out the vendor chunks. Thanks