It would be great if it were possible to specify the path (both filesystem-
and URL-wise) to the reports' assets (CSS, JS, images, etc) root via the
MSBuild task and command-line runner.
We're se…
**General remarks**
> This form is to report bugs. For general usage questions refer to our Slack channel
> [KubeSphere-users](https://join.slack.com/t/kubesphere/shared_invite/enQtNTE3MDIx…
1. docs is wrong about package installation: `ni @nolebase/markdown-it-bi-unlazy-img -D`. It should be `@nolebase/markdown-it-unlazy-img`
2. After setting config, dev or build will be fail:
In the GUI load one image, work with it, then load another image, possibly with different dimensions or other attributes.
Or load repeated images without the GUI.
I am currently writing the "Pflichtenheft" (as we have to for the practical). I think the `mediseg` project should have its own executable. This program should start and load the model before we feed …
**Describe the bug**
Error message instead of pdf.
Error in console: **Error while reading the pages ! TypeError: Cannot read property 'getPage' of null **
Package version: 2.2.3
OS: Ma…
### TestNG Version Also testsed on 6.8.7 with same result.
### Expected behavior
Count of tests should not depend on results of Before- and AfterMethods status.
### Actual behavior
From what I can tell while using this crate, the comparison functions seem to just use the first frame of an animated gif for comparison, not all frames.
To get around this, I was considering tryin…
### Expected behavior
* `cd app/lua/luac_cross && make LUA=53 clean all` either builds a useful executable or refuses with a link to this issue to explain why we don't support i686. (Update: The comm…
## 1、mica-mqtt-spring-boot-starter 空指针 NullPointerException
详细信息: Mqtt server IMqttMessageListener Bean not found
解决方案:IMqttMessageListener 为业务处理,必须要实现的接口。实现该接口并注册成 Spring Bean 即可。
## 2、解码异常