The features **Remote Server Administration Tools, Role Administration Tools, AD DS
Remote Server Administration Tools, Role Administration Tools, AD DS, AD LDS Tools, Active Directory module for Win…
_From @Roxy-3DPrintBoard on March 30, 2016 19:59_
The Atmel ATSAM3x8e on the Due board is definitely viable. It has the benefit it can plug into the RAMPS or RADDS base board and at that point it i…
### Version report
Jenkins and plugins versions report:
Jenkins: 2.277.4
OS: Linux - 4.4.0-1128-aws
I've tried to keep up with the many new releases / files and this could be a case of delete it all and start again!
To avoid confusion, I have 2 x RPI4bs and 2 x ASi178MCs (outdoors is standard, in…
Jonk2 updated
2 years ago
# Golang 代码质量持续检测
> Author: Kenny Allen
> Email: kennyallen0520@gmail.com
## 前言
在软件开发过程中,人工检查项目代码中的漏洞和潜在的 BUG 是一件让人十分费神费力的事情,为了解决这一痛点,SonarQube诞生了,它实现了一系列代码自动检测过程,包括命名规范,代码漏洞,代码重复量等。
[Decentralized Wireless Alliance Revision - OPEN Proposal - JAN 13 2022.docx](https://github.com/dewi-alliance/grants/files/7865101/Decentralized.Wireless.Alliance.Revision.-.OPEN.Proposal.-.JAN.13.20…
## About Elevate Labs
Elevate Labs is on a mission to improve people's minds.
Since 2014, we’ve helped millions of people around the world learn and improve concrete cognitive skills in reading…
### Affected Version
**paru -V**
`paru v1.8.2 - libalpm v13.0.1`
### Description
**Have you checked previous issues?**
- Yes
Whenever I try to use the `chroot` option with Paru, compilatio…
# [Terminus Software](https://terminus.com) Is Hiring!
## About Terminus
Terminus is the leader of the account-based movement and the crucial link that connects B2B marketing and sales teams wit…
sporadically i run into some problems when provisioning a cluster. most probably something timing based.
problem shows up in subsequent terraform resource creation using the kubernetes provider. i …