calling conn.get_bucket(bucketname) with an european bucket gives me the
following exception:
boto.exception.S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 403 Forbidden
Error message from amazon:
It seems config in S3 must be public. Could we either:
- Specify this in the readme.
- Pull the config with the awscli tools, and configure appropriate permissions in cloudformation.
Hi, this might be a trivial question but I am working on an s3 data ingestion pipeline. Given a url (whether its pointing to a public or private bucket), I need to get the file content.
I have my cod…
I suspect this data is now obsolete: http://bits.cybergreen.net/dev/clean/
Also, the reference files don't seem to be in http://bits.cybergreen.net/dev/stats/ (should they be)?
### Description
`aws_ivs_recording_configuration` doesn't have any control over its rendition configuration, which means we get the default transcoding options instead of the config we get from click…
### 📦 Environment
### 📌 Version
### 💻 Operating System
### 🌐 Browser
### 🐛 Bug Description
I try to upload files to the knowledge base. Hoever, it just stuck in t…
''' mermaid
graph LR
A[ACC/BIM360] -->|CSV File| B[S3 Signed URL]
B -->|Event: CSV URL| C[AWS Lambda Fn]
C -->|Convert CSV to Parquet| D[S3 Bucket]
D --> E[AWS QuickSight]
I am running docker cog built container on Paperspace but I am having issues to upload output predictions to aws s3 bucket.
I basically need to launch a prediction for more than 30 minutes a…
### Additional Information
#### Version of s3fs being used (`s3fs --version`)
V1.93 (commit:82107f4) (the same results with v1.90)
#### Version of fuse being used (`pkg-config --modversion fuse…
**What steps did you take and what happened:**
Upgraded our velero deployment via helm chart upgrade from velero-7.1.4 to velero-7.2.1 which changes only image from velero:v1.14.0 to velero:v1.14.1.