Followed instructions on usage page and tried my scrapy crawler.
it keeps checking my proxy servers Dead or not than actually doing its job of scraping data
How do i fix it?
scrapy crawl baidupan 执行这个命令是一直报这个错
哥们你好,我一运行就提示ImportError: cannot import name CrawlSpider,想问一下CrawlSpider模块是系统自带的吗?还是自己写的,要是自己写的话能不能分享一下?
我在命令提示符里面输入F:\桌面文件\2、毕业论文\2、实证部分\4、微博爬虫\weibo-search-master>scrapy crawl search -s JOBDIR=crawls/search
I use a proxy list from a proxy provider and my proxy list gets renewed once a day. I get the proxy list from the provider via their api.
ROTATING_PROXY_LIST = proxy_list()
Add branch coverage for function strip_url in file scrapy/utils/url.py
Add branch coverage for function _get_clickable in scrapy/http/request/form.py
As Scrapy is using lxml as xml parser. However, as lxml is an xml parser, characters as , etc are invalid, and then by lxml stripped away. Nevertheless, many website use < and > as less and greater th…
code sample:
def start_requests(self):
for url in url_list:
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, headers = xxx, callback=self.parse, errback=None,dont_filter=False)
def p…
Adding branch coverage for function _get_inputs in file scrapy/http/request/form.py