I'm looking into the xslt -> GeoDCAT-AP transformation and validation for the 3.0.0 pilot, participating from Geonovum (NL).
I'm testing with metadata records from the dutch national georegister th…
[Multi-Select Listbox](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/listbox/listbox-rearrangeable.html#ex2): The following documented keys do not work:
> Shift + Down Arrow: Moves focus t…
In OWN-PT, we found some occurrences of adjectives with the form "de foo". For instances: _de ouro_, _de bronze_, _de folha_, _de madeira_, _de lã_. More examples: _de Dipylon_, _de Galloway_, _de Gil…
This would be a first step towards the bigger RFC: https://github.com/rerun-io/rerun/blob/main/design/component_datatypes.md
We would add something that transforms:
* Transforms (quaternions, http…
### Issue Summary
`internalSpeechTitles`, which defaults to `true`, is an SVG output option that promises SRE-generated speech in the `title` attribute. [See the docs.](https://docs.mathjax.org/en/…
I understand that DCAT 2 content is frozen, so this is a feature request to be considered for a future version.
While working with DCAT data catalogs I came across this challenge: The link between …
Generated client is invalid for this example:
Using latest version 5.0.1
public class BaseClass1
public int Number { get; set; }
public class DerivedClass_A …
Can we add support for https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf/blob/main/Documentation/PLUGIN.md#generation-option-protopathmodulemappings---swift-module-names-for-proto-paths in SwiftProtobufPlugin?
**Describe what's wrong**
The two semantically-equivalent SELECT statements should output the same results, but they did not.
**Does it reproduce on recent release?**
It can be reproduced in …
### Steps
There is component
### Expected Result
wil show text `"someText"`
### Actual Result
Empty field displayed
### Version
### Testca…