I just came up with another idea. I think if we get `ServiceWorkerRegistration` object from `n.c()`, things are getting simpler and easier. The registrations are persistent itself. (We don't have to c…
After a few months in use I have some ideas of the next version of the API. Here are some of my goals and thoughts, not set in stone. **Please, let me know your thoughts on any of this.**
- ~~Allow Ho…
While the intent of the explainer was that iframes are 'navigate' and handled by a potential service worker in the domain of the iframe, the spec is unclear about this. It uses a 'navigate' context to…
How can a service worker specify a referrer policy to use? According to http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-referrer-policy-20140807/ a worker will always use the "default" policy.
I guess for service worke…
There are rough edges when it comes to closing the session, resuming it. We need to gain experience from implementations what happens, when the session is disconnected, user-closed, remote-end closed …
drott updated
9 years ago
A client can message a particular ServiceWorker via:
``` js
I guess `messageEvent.source` would be a client, but where `client.postMessag…
One that returns one of "navigation", "worker", or "resource".
See https://github.com/slightlyoff/ServiceWorker/issues/673 for earlier discussion.
Tentative proposal is `contextSet` since I'd like t…
Why doesn't Service Worker use Constructor instead of the current approach? Is this a matter of taste?
var sw = new ServiceWorker('/path/to/sw.js',{scope : '/'});
sw.onregister = function(evt){
In previous iterations of the spec, a property of the `FetchEvent` type allowed the developer to easily understand if they were responding to a potential navigation; e.g. `if(e.isTopLevel) { ... }`.
(as discussed at TPAC...)
- "For a shared worker, the time origin must be equal to the time of creation of the shared worker." - - http://w3c.github.io/hr-time/#time-origin
@slightlyoff I believe cur…