I deployed spark operator with webhook enabled. Everything started okay and I don't see any errors anywhere, but none of the functionalities that use webhook are working.
Setting up pod affinity, …
"spark.kubernetes.driver.podTemplateFile" : "s3a://my-bucket/driver_template.yaml"
"spark.kubernetes.executor.podTemplateFile" : "s3a://my-bucket/executor_template.yaml"
I am setting this in "sp…
What is the reason of having in the `spark-operator-rbac.yaml` edit operations (create, update, delete) for CRD? It seems like a security breach.
- apiGroups: ["apiextensions.k8s.io"]
## Description
My kubernetes cluster use an Nginx Operator. the EG ingress annotations are set as below via EG helm charts.
My goal is to have two active/active replicas running, with shar…
I am running spark operator on AWS and somehow EFS volume is not getting mounted on executors. While, its happening perfectly fine in case of driver.
I am really stuck on this. Any help/p…
Spark version: 2.4.5
kubernetes: 1.18.10
in sparkapplication yaml:
exposeDriverMetrics: true
yevsh updated
1 month ago
Hi masters,
I'm trying out preStop hook supported by latest spark-operator, and I noticed the preStop hook failed if I run some time-consuming task or simply sleep for a while before pod terminated…
have you considered adding ootb kernels for R, Mathematica and octave?
I was hoping if someone could tell me if what I'd like to accomplish is possible and if so, point me in the right direction.
I would like to be able to mount unique ReadWriteOnce persistent volume …
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Frost & Sullivan (Singapore) Pte Ltd
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