Allow choosing arbitrary number of specimens to breed.
добавить свойство disabled
добавили свойство Disabled
теперь …
New dev environment has been setup
repository: working on new branch 'tephra'.
database: jdbc:postgresql://dev-ecdb-vm.earthchem.org:5432/ecdb_tephra
Need DELETE/INSERT functionality in Bulkloader (CSV), not just insert as it is
Discussion points may be which fields, how extensive the permissions (same as
manage_specimen or perha…
Whenever someone creates an instance of an entity in a project (e.g., a BAM file), each instance will get a UUID. This means that if there are five BAM files, there will be five UUIDs.
We should auto…
Header w/ app name on left and add specimen and logout button on far right
Remove edit/duplicate buttons from list view. Have a "view" or "details" button that opens the detail view. Have the edit/du…
CATDEVNIH-268: Apart from the current one, Rakesh mentioned that we should have classes
attached to specimen also available for configuration e.g. biohazard.
We need to discuss this further with Mark…
As in the subject. Part of solution will be to assess in what form the co-collector strings should take. Parsed and atomized? Unparsed as simple arrays?
Use Google Fonts to select appropriate font for headings and body text
font: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Khmer
I have type: ខ្មែរ but working not good
Error: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wyfyuc1erzwei0x/khmer_error.jpg?dl=0