- [ ] Final Energy|Carbon Dioxide Removal|X
- [ ]
- [x] _Toni_ report Capacity and Capacity Additions for (distribution and) transmission grid in GWkm
Fichier word : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vNLMcJzejYLfcI7LgMZ9Ib_qnKsUw9W8n0dp3v4FTO0/edit?usp=sharing
Fichier excel : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A33CrjNtvMxIBqJyAGGT10Jtmp8DG07…
Team, I tried to run new importers thru Bulkrax for the first time since the cutover, and I got a "new" StandardError message that I've never seen before.
**Error: StandardError - Missing at least on…
OpenRefine currently uses Google authentication for two different purposes: 1) creating projects from Google Drive or Google Sheets documents and 2) uploading data to Google Sheets / Drive. For the fi…
Load the users who signed up to the Beta program (excel spreadsheet)
EFFECT_FLAG_x are all the different flavors of effect (fire, identify, AC)
EFFECT_MOD_x distinguish between different related effects (fire + weak = is weak to fire; fire + immune = is immune to fire…
### Proposal:
Auto create column/s inside existing schema when new field is observed in incoming data!
소상공인연합회, 경기신용보증재단, 더아이엠씨, 지방재정경제실 데이터 리서치
- 확보 가능한 데이터 확인
Create mapping spreadsheet for X00’s based on [HeadingsFieldsPersonalNames](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_wszM48Mrr2KTGsZgAboUVFVvAmJJm02/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106066247188335830400&rtpof=t…