Do you provide session timeout support in Swagger UI 2.4 version?
Scenario is: For get API, response code is coming as success instead of session timeout in case login session is timed out…
I have problems with configuration of Swagger in my Spring Boot project. I was following the basic instruction for this, and somehow it doesn's work.
Here it is: pom.xml
I am having similar issue as the https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix/issues/2696
@spencergibb as suggesting opened a new issue.
2019-07-01 10:58:56.839 INFO 61344 …
I have an API that takes a String input json as RequestBody. The input Json String is then validated against a Java pojo. If the input string matches the pojo then we proceed with the API call. I want…
Spring Boot Admin is a good way to get a list of all your running applications but for testing and development purposes but there are times when you may want to hit the endpoints of your application. …
I am using Value.Immutable classes as part of my rest input/output. Swagger does not seem to understand these beans as there are no getters and setters in the immutable interface definition. Because o…
### Expected behavior
redisson toptic.addListener;Subscribers can receive each piece of data in succession;
### Actual behavior
Subscribers can only receive a few pieces of data and stop output…
Bei Neustart bekam ich nun folgende Meldung:
__| | _ __ ___ ___
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2019-10-29 13:53:07.713 INFO 3160 …
The warning message during the ./gradlew clean build
compileJavaErrors occurred while build effective model from /workspace/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.hippoom/sms-verification…