[ 91%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/ncnn.dir/layer/vulkan/instancenorm_vulkan.cpp.o
/Users/L/Desktop/ncnn_git/ncnn/src/layer/instancenorm.cpp:52:71: warning: unused parameter 'opt'
https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/115.0.5790/chromedriver_win32.zip Seems like something is wrong with the chrome driver outdated or something the website doesn't open ? So I think you have …
Tensorflow = 2.13.1
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Python: 3.8
Code used to convert to tflite framework before converting to tflite file:
`python3 object_detection/export_tflite_graph_tf2.py --pipeline_config…
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### Issue Type
### Source
### Tensorflow Version
tf 2.9
### Custom Code
### OS Platform and Distribution
Linux Ubuntu 20.04
### Mobi…
启动服务, port应该是9292,文档上是9293
`python -m paddle_serving_server_gpu.serve --model ocr_det_model --port 9292 --gpu…
This issue was originally reported in https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/57481
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### Issue Type
### Source
### Tensorflow Version
tf 2.9
安装PaddleSlim develop分支,或PaddleSlim2.1版本(预计5月20日前发布)。
在PaddleClas路径下执行以下命令,验证PaddleClas中所有模型的剪裁效果(仅计算FLOPs, 不重训模型):
find configs/ -name *.yaml | xargs -i python tools/prune.py -c {}
I don't like to keep lots of apps on the menubar, and AltTab has no crucial feature to be sitting there. Actually, I think it should "invisible" to the user, just showing up when activated to switch w…
I saw your study about changing activation function from silu to relu.
The score shows that ReLU mAP is 55.7 (swish pretrained).
so I just changed swish activation to relu activation without a…
Hi, I used Wenet to run the conformer-transformer experiment in librispeech 100h with the following settings with one RTX TITAN 24G . The results are as follows(70 epoches):