Hydration class mismatch on SSR mode
[Vue warn]: Hydration class mismatch on …flex
- rendered on server: class="flex flex-col w-full items-center justify-center aos-init aos-animate"
Ik wil Het remix framework installeren in mijn project.
## Feature request
### Overview
For the tabs I would like an option to keep the inactive tab contents around in the DOM. For components with a heavy mounting cost, or components with internal st…
Would templ benefit from a similar concept to React of props where, if you have a single argument to a React component, you can use a HTML style to use it?
i.e. given the following TypeScript:
### Describe the bug
Hi I am working on a project with the techstack SolidJS with Vite for the dev and prod servers FE. THe @pdfme/ui package is throwing the following error: "Return outside of funct…
Following the instructions here https://www.nativewind.dev/getting-started/react-native
error: SyntaxError: /lib/global.css: Leading decorators must be attached to a class declaration. (1:10)
# 20200511 Github 前端趋势榜
[Github 前端开发日报](http://caibaojian.com/c/news)栏目数据来自[Github热榜](http://news.caibaojian.com/)(我开发的爬虫),每日分享HTML、CSS、JavaScript、Vue等开源项目,为开发者提供动力,点击Star按钮来关注这个项目,点击Watch来收听每日的更新[Git…
Back in 2022 @joeldrapper [said] (https://github.com/orgs/phlex-ruby/discussions/235#discussioncomment-3852112):
> ... Yeah, Phlex is not a Rails template engine. It's a complete replacement for Acti…
We should add some styling to it and keep it consistent across pages. Not worried about it being perfect, we can improve this over time.
## Description
Currently upgrading from remix on esbuild to vite and getting export errors.
![CleanShot 2024-04-02 at 12 43 57](https://github.com/remix-run/remix/assets/6743796/da137386-d68b-4132-a…