Here's a short proposal for how we can support GitHub App Authentication within Tekton.
Please take a look and lea…
Triggering a pipeline using the cron example does not appear to work.
The cron performs:
wget --spider el-prod-listener:8080
# the response is:
Spider mode enabled. Check if remote fi…
### How to set the node node selector and tolerances of the pipelinerun pod created by triggers
I refer to the official website examples to configure my CICD tasks.
I get the following error pop up when I connect to a cluster with no knative installed. The error should be handled better. Perhaps we can show a message on the tree view that states the `current user…
# Expected Behavior
kubectl apply -f trigger-template.yaml # should pass and resource must be created
# Actual Behavior
Failed with the **error: unable to recognize "trigger-template.yaml": no mat…
# Expected Behavior
Pipeline parameters substituting when using `$(params.)` syntax as specified [here](https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/blob/master/docs/tasks.md#using-variable-substitution).
We need to set up release infrastructure to publish API Server and Watcher images to the Tekton repository.
We can likely use Pipelines/Triggers/Plumbing as a model to follow.
# Expected Behavior
EventListener should start TaskRun with param value from event body
# Actual Behavior
EventListener failed to replacing params:
c0ldd updated
3 years ago
Hi everyone,
I have the following unexpected behavior with tekton-pipeline (dashboard and triggers are not affected).
My guess is that this is possibly a kustomize bug, but it might affect tekton-p…
# Expected Behavior
Nightly builds work
# Actual Behavior
From @afrittoli on Slack:
I see this error in the triggers nightly build
Expected images did not match: Images ['gcr.io/tekto…