## WS-2018-0022 - Medium Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - angular-sanitize-1.5.0.js
AngularJS is an MVC framework for building web applications. The core features include HTML enhanced wi…
## CVE-2020-7676 - Medium Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - angular-1.2.13.js
AngularJS is an MVC framework for building web applications. The core features include HTML enhanced with cust…
The field0 method in FieldImpl is overly complex and contains several maintainability issues, including duplicated code, excessive method length, and ambiguous match handling. These issu…
WCAG recommends captions, but fails to include standards. Captions need standards (https://janicelintz.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/multichannelviewpt-72913.pdf) to be readable, usable, and benefit …
I want to unit test my platform's services that interact with Azure Notification Hubs.
I am currently attempting to write a test that deregisters a user's device using a tag ide…
Separate public and internal classes/interfaces/enums on a package level to achieve a cleaner API. Move everything that is not a part of the public API to internal packages. An internal …
# Prerequisites
- I have searched for similar issues in open tickets and cannot find a duplicate.
- The issue still exists against the latest released version of SeleniumLibrary.
- This is not a …
I get the following error while running sbt test
>sbt test
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
[info] Loading project de…
hkirk updated
7 years ago
Probably the most needed feature.. jquery-ui's sortable doesn't support it, but there are some hacks on the web. Maybe pick the best one, clean it up and add it.
For instance, If I needed unit test this subroutine:
subroutine pythag(a,b,c)
real :: aa, bb
call square(a,aa)
call square(b,bb)
c = SQRT(aa + bb)
subroutine square(a…