The timeout manager already has a configuration section, but it should be ensured that it can be configured with the following options:
- input queue name/error queue name
- transport: MSMQ or RabbitM…
I have the following configuration
XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new FileInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile));
Let the capitalization of the assembly name for the project equal that of the nuget.
The NuGet is capitalized `TopShelf` but the dll `Topshelf.dll`:
When i use Topshelf.Nlog it doesn't work with NLog
It appears that both NLOG and NET4LOG options installed via Nuget are not compatible with the Topshelf. I have to "Start" my service twice to get it to run for some reason, and I have no insight as t…
When hosting on premise with "AzureServiceBus" transport and not explicitly supplying timeout or subscription providers causes errors.
NSB v4.0.2
Unhandled Exception: System.Runtime.Serialization.Se…
we have the following problem When we start NSB.Host.exe on normally as console application everything works fine. When we try to install the host as a windows service the installation works but the w…
Working with the latest commit (f8777c483815333d9b737e6a7426d267ddf6db50), I tried building the source by running build.bat but ILMerge fails:
ILMerge version
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp…
This is already fixed on the master.
On 2.5
- Add a target for a x86 host
https://github.com/NServiceBus/NServiceBus/blob/master/nant.build (look at the compile_host32 target)
- Update the nuget h…
Include the NServiceBus.Azure dll, add a dependency on NSB, NSB.core