Expected behavior:
When editing a .clj file in Clojure-mode, `cider-jack-in-clj` should start the REPL.
Observed behavior:
`cider-jack-in-clj` throws an error: Could not start nREPL server: j…
As a precusor for cli packaging it would make sense we publish the quarkus-cli-...-runner.jar as part of our release.
Right now just quarkus-cli-... is published which has no manifest…
Thanks for this library, really useful.
I'm getting some resource conflict warnings that I think should be omitted. In my case, I get warnings for `META-INF/MANIFEST.MF` and `module-info.class`. [d…
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot [vend-license-service.core]}
:dev {:resource-paths ["config/dev"]}}
This is my project.clj file.
│ └─dev
My edn file is placed in dev.…
Right now in `kubernetes-tests/` module, we're using `@EnableRuleMigrationSupport` annotation to allow usage of Junit4 rules and we're using `KubernetesServer` `@Rule` for Kubernetes Mock Server that …
I just tried to create a new app from the lein template with the `+shadow-cljs` flag, but the lein-shadow plugin is not included in the configuration:
`lein new luminus timebooking +shadow-cljs`
## Description
Quarkus uses dev and test configuration profiles (https://quarkus.io/guides/config). When we package the application inside a jar (uber-jar for example) the %dev and %test values are…
Uberjar's using require-python are currently failing.
We at least need to dig in, investigate, and document how to work around this if not fix it.
**Initial debugging steps**
Before creating a report, _especially_ around exceptions being thrown when running Leiningen, please check if the error still occurs after:
- [x] Updating to using the …
Did a search on this repository and wasn't able to find anything matching "illegal access". Just tried updating a project to use openjdk 12, and it looks like bouncy castle isn't playing nice.
ghost updated
3 years ago