Add a disclaimer on the top of the page to instruct users to refresh the page if they can't see their balances.
Disclaimer text:
If you have created viewing keys for secretTokens and secretSCRT, …
I have no problems sending STR from within Keplr, but sending STR or conducting any sort of transaction using CosmJS and the extension causes Keplr to return an error on the background page (see https…
# SecretStore – secretnetwork.store / sscrt.store
## Project Description
The goal is to create an online shopping cart that accepts Secret Network’s SNIP20 tokens as payment, providing merchan…
Links to comps:
Desktop: https://www.figma.com/file/tO6a2en3ibDVJnvmUNxwwz/Wallet-Address-Registration?node-id=1%3A402
Mobile: https://www.figma.com/file/tO6a2en3ibDVJnvmUNxwwz/Wallet-Address-Registra…
# Summary
After I connected the terra station chrome extension with my ledger, it automatically got an address by which I can operate my fund in my account and use mirror protocol. However, after a d…
I am aware that `MsgTransfer` only supports `ProtoCodec`.
And while the current test version of [Keplr](https://wallet.keplr.app/#/dashboard) supports `MsgTransfer` via proto encoding, there are is…
It is useful to allow a user or webpage to give the option of adding a chain to Keplr. It can increase the usability of Keplr in cases where a user wants to use the Keplr on a testnet or other chains …
## Introduction
An early experimental implementation that only approves the access for testnet(holodeck) was implemented in chainapsis/keplr-extension@eb82a5a
And the initial example is here eve…
I use cosmos sdk v0.40.0-rc0.
In browser:
const cosmJS = new SigningCosmosClient(
There appears to be some confusion about why an auction stays open and accepts bids after the ends at time. Since the ends at time is only when ANYONE can close the auction, not actually a forced tim…