Hello! I have one drive thats running low on space (~500mb free out of 4tb), and there is a question if it can be safely encrypted with veracrypt without wiping/"cleaning" it to do it? do encrypted dr…
Google has now added chacha full disk encryption to Android OS called Adiantum ([paper here](https://tosc.iacr.org/index.php/ToSC/article/view/7360)). It is fast and secure. Great for CPUs that don't …
Post from VeraCrypt
Link to download VeraCrypt
Why does VeraCrypt ask for password on my Debian computer after decryption?
I auto mount my USB stick in VC then I put in my password to decrypt it but then VC asks for another "authentication passwo…
Steps to reproduce the issue:
1. Make a VC container and mount it as a partition.
2. Open Bash on Windows 10 and run hugo anywhere on that partition.
3. Start using hugo (it works for a while).
I recently found this project and tried to implement it in a download/extractor tool for 7z files.
The implementation worked flawless as there is almost nothing that could go wrong.
I am wrapping easyrsa in a docker container, and am running into an issue - i want to mount `$EASYRSA_PKI` from the host OS, but `init-pki` falls over when it can't delete the directory inside the con…
There is a problem with developing Windows UWP Apps with Visual Studio and the subsequent activation of these apps.
1. Open Visual Studio
2. Create an UWP project and save it on an encrypted volum…
I am running hashcat (v6.2.5-370-g6adf5fcf2) on MacOS 12.3 (MacBook Pro 2020, Intel i7, 32 GB RAM) and I get the following error when trying to pull up the help menu:
hashcat (v6.2.5-370-g6adf5fcf2…
# Expected behavior
Traveler Disk Setup files are created successfully in the chosen folder.
# Observed behavior