It would be really nice if we could have a method in both the ComparerBuilder and EqualityComparerBuilder classes to allow a member to be compared using delegates for both the equality comparison and …
Tried to add a new project to a portfolio, but nothing happens on SAVE?
1. Title -> Change CFN behavior when there are two output elements of the same name and affected by conditions.
2. Scope of request -> Currently two outputs like:
"Output1" : {
Hi @vkhodygo
Here is a data sample for the individual-level dataset.
[heed_mortality data sample_23nov22dk.xlsx](https://github.com/MRC-CSO-SPHSU/mortality_module/files/10077112/heed_mortality.…
.. Website & Sense-it app.:
* [x] ― Copy 2014 Privacy policy from PDF :~ http://www.nquire-it.org/#/privacy
* [x] ― 2014 Privacy policy PDF :–
* [x] ― Sign-post in site-footer;
* See Bug: #…
Should we list sports governing bodies
Action from Community and Activism meeting on 18 August.
Look at: (Sport England, Sport Wales .. Check NI Scotland), and list them comprehensively.
Summary of request: Modify the information in an existing ROR record
Update record:
Name of organization: NSW Department of Education
ROR ID: https://ror.org/05nne8c43
Which part of the record n…
Variables in the DB
Table: roads
idGlobal INT PRIMARY KEY, - unique ID of road
ncollisions INT NULL, - total number of collisions 1985 - 2015 on this road segment excluding junctions
bikeCas INT…
mem48 updated
6 years ago
Hi Nicolas,
In fact, this is not an issue of your package, but perhaps, you could give me some advice.
I have create a function that use your package in my one 'private' package.
My package intensiv…
Sorry, can't seem to find where I can post a question.
I would like to know if the terraboard process is supposed to delete data in the tables that contain the results of the query from the state f…