Everything is working great, but when I try to request goerli from my faucet I receive the following error:
{ Error: Returned error: insufficient funds for gas * price + value
at Object.ErrorR…
## The dependency [web3](https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js) was updated from `1.2.2` to `1.2.3`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/likecoin/likecoin-tx-poll/compare/master...likecoin:gree…
const provider = 'wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws';
let web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(provider));
let contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractABI, contractAddress);
My code is:
print(f"Buying token with {address}")
w3 = web3.Web3(web3.HTTPProvider(mySettings["RPC"]))
File _node_modules/@maticnetwork/maticjs-web3/dist/ts/utils/web3_tx_to_matic_tx.d.ts_ is responsible for the error, I have tried reinstalling the package and manually installing the web3 package but i…
`$contract->at($contractAddress)->call('tokenAddressandID', "00001", function($err, $transaction) use ($name) {`
Passing in an string that's an integer prefixed with 0s, e.g "00001" or "00002" blow…
Roast my dApp is a fun interactive session where I give live design feedback and tips on improving everyone's web3 products. This talk is targeted at all builders in web3 who want to improve the UX of…
**Describe the bug**
Logs in `api-worker` running on production:
throw new Error(error);
Error: Error: CONNECTION ERROR: The connec…
Please integrate the SDK from Space ID.
At the moment, I have the web3 domain ENS - xandry.eth displayed on Uniswap
But I have registered domains in the BNB and Arbitrum networks, so when I chan…