This doc needs additional info about how to create alt geomet…
Who's on First now includes many venues. The data is split across several hundred repos in the [whosonfirst-data](https://github.com/whosonfirst-data/) Github organization, so a big challenge will sim…
I've just set up a test Pelias installation locally using Docker. I'm using [this](https://gist.github.com/tomtaylor/4d8c41662c7699d10f247785e2f53ddc) `pelias.json` to load in the whole of the UK, and…
- https://github.com/whosonfirst-data/whosonfirst-data/issues/1807
- https://github.com/whosonfirst/whosonfirst-sources/issues/163
**Describe the bug**
During import of the GB OSM extract from Geofabrik a `PeliasModelError: invalid regex test` error and stack trace occurs. The import continues, apparently successfully.
I am getting following errors while downloading the planet data:
$ pelias download all
1. Downloading whosonfirst-data-postalcode-my-latest.tar.bz2 bundle
I can't connect to them.
The whosonfirst importer currently forces a user looking to import postalcodes to download and import postal codes from literally every single one of the 213 countries. That seems a bit excessive if,…