**什么情况/What happened?**
public void initZygote(final StartupParam startupParam) throws Throwable {
Class at = Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread");
any sort of network change; disabling/enabling data, mobile connecting to different tower etc often causes the phone to soft reboot (doesnt start from the logo screen)
This happens irrespective of th…
Device: meizu 15
2020-08-03 22:46:42.337 24580-24580/com.appexecutors.pickersample E/Picker: Use case binding failed
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No supported surface comb…
I have tried almost all the options I could find on the net, but no luck. I am trying to read a prefs file from Xsharedpreferences but failing to read the values. Since the deprecation of MODE_WORLD_R…
The wiki page mentions "XSharedPreference", is this a typo? Undefined in legacy xposed API.
private static SharedPref…
fOmey updated
3 years ago
When clicking on the button, SystemUI always crashes:
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class {sb.firefds.q.firefdskit/sb.firefds.q.firefdskit.activitie…
## 问题描述
源码build安装后,从 https://repo.xposed.info/module/eu.faircode.xlua 下载apk,放入sd卡,然后添加进VirtualXposed ,打开 Xposed 勾选插件,之后重启。 然后就打不开Xposed了。
01-11 18:51:23.671 11254-12246/system…
**Describe the bug**
App starts with a blank screen. Can't back out. Have to forcefully close. Took awhile to figure out the reason. Any ROM using Substratum.
Clear cache and data. App starts up fine…
Writing here because you seem knowledgable on this topic and are also working at Google / know the SDK?
I'm a student and currently working on something similar and am also using BluetoothAdapter.g…
**什么情况/What happened?**
App added in black list mode of edxposed can still detect if it's installed.
In an app there's the following check:
boolean isXposedAppInstalled = false;
boolean isX…
ghost updated
4 years ago