Enhance log output to inlcude milliseconds in each printing.
Today we only should the time up to the seconds.
My node was up connected to 3 peers and have peer orders.
wifi down for 3 minutes, wifi back up.
peers are missing (no reconnect).
Moshes-MacBook-Pro-3:~ moshe$ xud-simnet-start
starting all processes
btcd didn't start properly
Moshes-MacBook-Pro-3:~ moshe$ btcd --simnet --txindex --datadir=./data --logdir=./logs --addpee…
Here is what I did:
The market order removed all peer sell order and become a buy order (which is very bad).
See the log below
admins-MacBook-Pro-2:xud-simnet admin$ xud-simnet-start
This issue is about implementing the match/swap scenarios below. Source: https://github.com/ExchangeUnion/xud/issues/277#issuecomment-416370196
* 1.2)
** Swap success: remove ownOrder from the ord…
This issue is about auto-generating a `sample-xud.conf` file in the repo (e.g. root folder) with all available options (on every build). This sample config file is NOT used by XUD in any way. We can l…
Starting XUD (master). Letting XUD to create the database:
8/28/2018, 11:05:11 PM [GLOBAL] info: config loaded
8/28/2018, 11:05:11 PM [GLOBAL] info: Local nodePubKey is 03e12d9dc27f966d0e02…
As per https://github.com/ExchangeUnion/xud/pull/315#issuecomment-413402498 all these checks should be done on client side BEFORE connection is attempted.
Execute `xucli buy 0.004 LTC/BTC 1.101`
on these 10 default sell orders in the `xud-simnet`:
"price": 1.14,
"quantity": 0.003,
"price": 1.14,
See what I did and what I got.
admins-MacBook-Pro-2:xud admin$ ./bin/xucli -p 7002 connect 0235584e2ac9a34a13ce6f6dc9fb8aa1e7918d7701f0b4b69dc002887e6b3fbba3@localhost:8885
(node:70263) [DEP0…