Debian seems to have disabled the SSLv3 protocol in its newer Python packages, and trying to load YouCompleteMe now results in this error message:
Error detected while processing function youcomp…
# Issue Prelude
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the brackets) _before_ filing your issue:**
- [X ] I have read and understood YCM's [CONTRIBUTING][…
Running one of the commands below
python install.py
python install.py --tern-completer
...results in a Cmake error: The source directory does not exist.
(this is an installation on a Windows…
# Issue Prelude
**Please complete these steps and check these boxes (by putting an `x` inside
the brackets) _before_ filing your issue:**
- [ X] I have read and understood YCM's [CONTRIBUTING][…
I install youcompleteme with some problems. My system is ubuntu 14.04, as I went to the last step
./install.py --clang-completer there would be error as follow. I tried many times, the problems were …
Installation halts when run on normal user.
I worked around the issue by perpending 'sudo' in the popen call for ldconfig.
This is a workaround although it might help someone,
Good work with this pro…
## Reproduce steps:
1. Open `YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/tests/java/testdata/simple_eclipse_project/src/com/test/TestFactory.java` in vim, waiting for the Java language server starts.
2. M…
The test snippet:
int main() {
boost::bimap< int, int > bimap;
bimap. //
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# Issue Prelude
**Please complete these steps and check these boxes (by putting an `x` inside
the brackets) _before_ filing your issue:**
- [x] I have read and understood YCM's [CONTRIBUTING](https:/…