I am training the code from scratch and the results from best.pt are shown below
python3 test.py --weights weights/best.pt --save-json --img-size 416
Namespace(batch_size=32, cfg='cfg/yolov3.…
Thanks so much for such as an excellent Yolo model. We are using yolov3-tiny.cfg and yolo3-tiny.conv.15 weights to train 5 class of abnormal cells. For the first 4 classes, most bounding boxes conta…
Hi and thanks for the great work. I'm exploring yolo and darknet since a week (not so much), but i tried to document myself about the following questions through the other issues and your awesome read…
after 80h of training more than 26k iterations using 3k images to train 4 objects, the system is not detecting any object
mAP = 66%
Avrg Loss 0.65
# Testing
CUDNN_HALF = 1 detection on version [fb1ee79](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/commit/fb1ee79576f83d505211267252e070c3cb0f431e)
Hi, I find the results between CPU version and GPU version are different in your latest version . The results are better in CPU version . The cfg file and weights are yolov3-spp.cfg and yolov3-spp.wei…
When I trained yolov3 with yolov3-spp.cfg, it shows "Layer before convolutional layer must output image.: No error", could you tell me how to fix this error?
Thank you!
Hello!Thanks for your work.Could you please tell me the way to calculate the mAP of darknet-yolov3?
After experimenting with the Yolov3 network for one week, I found several issues with multi GPU training. The trained network with a single GPU had way better detection results than the network traine…
Hi once again me,
I am currently training a yolov3 (not spp , with 608x608 , 12 anchors and focal_loss =1, classes = 3) for
40 000 iterations.
The avg loss is currently about 0.55
The loss…