Hello Jiarui,
Recently i am using mdtraj to extract 1000 frame as reference, and using sampling 1000 frame for all 12 fast folding protein. Specificly, I am using interval to make microseconds M…
### The bug
Using the android mobile app from the playstore on a Samsung S23U: Since v1.105.0 I get weird errors where photos will get uploaded but not refreshed in the app. Tried to logout and in …
Update of core-admin-client to v4.2.14 for Qubes OS r4.2, see comments below for details and build status.
From commit: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-core-admin-client/commit/0572987f9f249d72ad86f…
os: debian11
brook version : 20240214
nic: only one ipv6 ip address
errolog : Feb 03 04:10:46 vps6 brook[2340908]: 2024/02/03 04:10:46 {"dst":"www.youtube.com:443","error":"no ipv4 from nic","fro…
Vulnerability Analysis
A vulnerabilidade presente no código é a falta de tratamento adequado para verificar se o resultado da consulta retornada pela função `mysqli_query` é um `resource` ou uma vari…
因此当我运行以下命令:bash run_train_test.sh test 0 a3d 10
Traceback (most recent call las…
Due to a missing extra config?
#### Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. `brew install mitmproxy`
2. `sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1`
3. `echo "rdr pass on en0 inet proto tcp to any port…
For some reason, Ixidron died after blocking a 2/2.
Board State afterwards:
Vulnerability Analysis
Existem algumas vulnerabilidades no código fornecido:
1. **SQL Injection**: A consulta SQL está sendo construída diretamente com base na sessão do usuário (`$id_pessoa = $_S…
When I untar the file with precalculated all-atom MSMs (reference_MSM_analysis.tar.gz, at [this link](http://pub.htmd.org/protein_thermodynamics_data/reference_MSM_analysis.tar.gz) found in the Github…