Branch name:
Purpose of code changes on this branch:
Committing my first version of finance aggregator with t…
This example script:
Gives this error:
2024-11-21 17:47:48,638 - autofit.database.aggre…
Nov 30 14:00:37 raspberrypi npx[65179]: [ 2024-11-30T13:00:37.703Z ] [ DEBUG ] [ Matter / MessageExchange ]: New exchange channel: udp://fd82:78c2:d859:d942:7174:a5a…
Currently, the registry data in the workbench does not automatically update. This should be fixed, either hooking into the older aggregator system or the newer SQLite version.
Om data te kunnen importeren in Ushahidi en zoveel mogelijk originele data ook te behouden
Moet er een importer komen die er voor zorgt dat ruwe data behouden blijft en dit aggregeert en importeert.
**작업 목표**
- 기존에 test_aggregator(master aggregator의 worker aggregator 구현 전의 유닛 테스트)을 master aggregator로 수정
**Done Of Done(Subtask)**
실험을 위해서 확인해야할 리스트
1. s3 bucket에 init model 새롭게 업로드
2. ec2 cli…
**작업 목표**
- 각 Worker Aggregator 노드의 Pod로 분산 부하해주는 ELB Policy 정의
- Worker Aggregator에서 Master Aggregator으로 가는 통로(http) 구현
- Worker Aggregator의 Dockerfile화 및 Yaml 파일화
# Objectives
A few CIOOS members from different organizations and suggested expecting to be able to retrieve a single file from a CEDA query which is an aggregation of multiple datasets. For this to …
**When using "git submodule update --init --recursive", it blocked at**
Submodule 'thirdparty/Postgres' (https://github.com/postgres/postgres.git) registered for path 'thirdparty/Postgres'
### Self Checks
- [X] This is only for bug report, if you would like to ask a question, please head to [Discussions](https://github.com/langgenius/dify/discussions/categories/general).
- [X] I have s…