RouteSegment with gml:identifiers cc9c7cc4-e000-4741-854d-b7d93973e089 and cc9c7cc4-e000-4741-854d-b7d93973e08f look like duplicates. They are also isolated from the rest of the route, as shown with (…
The following dataset is an XML/GML which GDAL kind of interprets for the most part correctly, however it seems QGIS takes the bounding box inverted in EPSG4326 the order is lat,lon but it seems QGIS …
As Paul Chisholm reported ([cbs-tt-avxml:1082](https://groups.google.com/a/wmo.int/d/msg/cbs-tt-avxml/vdCX0yOfJqs/0UrRne2-AAAJ)) that SWXCs do not plan to issue lat/lon polygons to delineate space wea…
This issue was raised by Wolfi Scheucher. Reference from ASE ATZ,EADH to DPN
This is done by gml:pointProperty to a DPN (b35409d8-f236-4303-a12d-795e9e9c8751) EADH ARP.
Is a local referencing done a…
- open EA_AIP_... (Donlon)
- select Navaids
- add filter "ILS"
- ILS, OLX is shown as root, but only with 4 associations (instead of all 7).
Maybe a temporary issue because of the…
sigmet-VA-EGGX.tac contains "OBS AT 1600Z SFC/FL550..." as well as "FCST 2200Z SFC/FL550..." but the XML only specifies the upperLimit for the observed AirspaceVolume. Shouldn't the second forecastPos…
I have been using QGIS which is opensource to analyse AIXM data and for one I do not know if the issue is with the software itself on the implementation or on the AIXM standard or the provided file, I…
In the Skeleton file, it would be nice to preserve the gml:identifier element.
That's because not all AIXM files will comply with the recommendation to use as gml:Id of the feature the same UUID valu…
## Expected behavior and actual behavior.
*** Already reported in QGIS but they suggested this is really a GDAL thing to be investigated, sorry I don't have more technical skills to do it compl…
when am trying to save List using converter containing the geometry data, am facing the unwrap exception.
@Column(columnDefinition = "Geometry")
@Convert(converter = ListDoubleTo…