Hello, 我这里直接说中文了哈。
起因是现在版本的 EDA (1.9.10)生成的 IP 核接口和这个测试里的不一致(去掉了app_burst_number),而且 1:4 400MHz 的 IP 核实例化到当前测试后(去除废弃接口)没有办法顺利运行。稍微研究了一下,目前示例里的 IP 核在新版 EDA 里被标记为deprecated,版本4.1,clk ratio 只有1:4一种;而新…
Test case that causes the verifier to hang
test-case: Found by fuzzing
options: ["termination"]
pre: []
: |
r0 = 0
r1 = 10
: |
w1 -= 1
if r1 > 0 goto
from #6803
from tinygrad import Tensor, TinyJit
def f(x) -> Tensor: return (x + 1).realize()
a1, a2 = Tensor([1.1]), Tensor([1.2])
Selam, bir süre kullandıktan sonra bu kütüphanenin orjinal [ALU Client](https://github.com/PayU/alu-client-php) ile hangi noktalarda niçin ayrıldığı konusunda kafamda soru işaretleri oluştu.
Her iki …
edigu updated
7 years ago
> In fact, a carefully designed ASIC could still outperform GPU by spending more resource/area on the bottlenecks. The memo…
$> python3 run_iterative_solver_automatically.py marple_new_flow 10 example_alus/pred_raw.stateful_alu stateless_alus/stateless_alu.j2 4 4 10
python3 compile_with_chipmunk.py /tmp/marple_new_f…
### Game Name
Red Dead Redemption
### Game code
### Game version
### Used emulator's version
module alu_tb
(input clk);
logic [31:0] mem [32'h8000_0000 : 32'h8000_0000 + 2**16];
//logic [31:0] mem [2**32];
initial begin
$readmemh("my.hex", mem);
The `Readme` file instructs to install yosys with `apt install yosys`, which will only get a low version of yosys tools. This version of yosys still have some bugs and cannot handle specific HDL files…