Some simple variations of the same paho mqtt client makes crash rabbitmq (tested from 3.7.21, 3.8,1, 3.8.2rc versions):
container_name: iot-rabbit
hostname: …
Ranch supports TLS extensions of the [Proxy Protocol](https://www.rabbitmq.com/networking.html#proxy-protocol) but RabbitMQ doesn't propagate the
necessary information to Ranch, most likely because o…
### Discussed in https://github.com/artemiscloud/activemq-artemis-operator/discussions/1014
Originally posted by **robert-mcnamara** September 17, 2024
Hi Artemis Cloud maintainers,
We use …
any plan or anyone working on this? this would be great to be in!
sijie updated
2 years ago
This feature involves:
1. Design a basic publisher subscriber model connecting two services. For reference, I am using the Spring JMS - ActiveMQ tutorial, https://www.codenotfound.com/spring-jms-acti…
## Checklist
* [x] I have included the output of ``celery -A proj report`` in the issue.
(if you are not able to do this, then at least specify the Celery
version affected).
* [x] I have …
I have installed a chart with 2 replicas set with a static cluster configuration.
First I fixed domain naming issue so a bridge been estabilished.
> Bridge ClusterConnectionBridge@3c966cfd [name=$…
Device Data: ODROIDC
System Information:
Static hostname: 001e0610c219SD
Icon name: computer
Machine ID: 7a18bd66c48041c9a76bb5890b64483d
We have lots of nested groups in our ActiveDirectory and trying to authenticate a user in a nested group via LDAP fails.
According to [Artemis docu](https://activemq.apache.org/compo…