For zernike.py:
def __psfcaculator__(self,r=1,lambda_1=632*10**(-9),z=0.1):
pupil: Exit pupil diameter
z: Distance from exit pupil to image plane
r: pupil radius, in unit of la…
This is a continuation of issue #93
Since the discussion changed from how to set up the environment on tianhe2 to how to set up Clara2 in general, I think a new issue should be used (to avid scrolli…
Wave-by-wave analysis of 3D wavefields may be enhanced.
For now, analysis is made along mean directions x and y. A 3D wave is defined when a given crest in x-direction is also a crest in the y-direct…
### Provide a general summary of the issue here
Suppose a user is looking at a slider rendered with ``, and wants to change the currently selected range from `[50, 50]` to `[25, 50]`. Because both …
小伙伴问我 iframe 搞微前端有什么一棍子打死的办不到的事情吗?
想来想去只有一个性能问题,那就是框架组件库和全家桶无法共享,多个仅仅参数不同的 iframe 内代码重复 parse 有性能问题。
js 依赖关系的处理用 module f…
### What is the Topic of Your Question
### Add Your Question Below
Hello Development Team,
I am currently using GLASS to generate galaxies, as demonstrated in the [example](https://glass.r…
Traceur seems to have nice build status and everything. I have no idea how to do this, but would love me summodat.
I'm using `vocalpy.feature.sat.similarity_features()` to compute some features. Do you know where I can find the units for these features?
Hi, is this a bug?
when server error 500, the index render 500.server.view.html, but the top nav_bar menu can not to Navigation.
In this [notebook ](https://github.com/DifferentiableUniverseInitiative/flowpm/blob/nbody_ode/notebooks/Simulation-WrongCosmo.ipynb) I try to find the correction terms to compensate for the PM approxi…