Please, take a look @ the compatibility with the reworked version of Anki, currently in beta:
— https://anki.tenderapp.com/discussions/beta-testing
## Environment data
- VS Code version: 1.29.1 (latest)
- Extension version (available under the Extensions sidebar): 2018.10.1
- OS and version: windows 10
- Python version (& distribution i…
###### Research
[ x] I have read the [support page](https://ankidroid.org/docs/help.html) and am reporting a bug or enhancement request specific to AnkiDroid
[ x] I have checked the [manual](htt…
C:\Python34\Scripts>python ankiserverctl.py start
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ankiserverctl.py", line 165, in
File "ankiserverctl.py", line 145, in main